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AwA Sparkling Coconut Water

Characterized by the exotic taste of all natural coconut water, AwA Sparkling Coconut Water gives you that extra refreshing kick that makes it stand out from the others. The light carbonation makes it the perfect healthy drink to enjoy after a workout, when you need to replenish your electrolytes, or any time of the day when that thirst bug strikes. So you say you don't like coconut water, huh? Give AwA a try and become a fan...

Testing 123...

Refreshing And Good For You

Coconut water is an all natural drink with many health benefits not found in traditional soft drinks. AwA Sparkling Coconut Water has no sugar added, the sweetness comes directly from the coconut water itself. Full of electrolytes, low in fat, no cholesterol and low in calories makes this drink a guilt-free healthy choice.

Natures Sports Drink

Coconut water contains many nutrients and electrolytes which are lost during physical exercise and sweating. Potassium is used up during physical exercise and also secreted in sweat. Coconut water is very high in potassium and is absorbed easily into the body which can help prevent dehydration after a workout.

Sparkling Satisfaction

Whether you are trying to rehydrate after a workout or having a drink with friends; AwA Sparkling Coconut Water will leave you feeling refreshed and satisfied. Even if you don't normally like coconut water, I encourage you to try AwA. It will change the way you think about coconut water...